Vispirms jau tu pats, kamÄ“r jauns, neesi ar sevi lÄ«dz galam mierÄ.
Tad ar pasauli. Un tad tas nemiers ar kaut ko - krÄjas, kamÄ“r ir pietiekami, lai sÄktu gribÄ“ties pausties uz Äru.
Cits par to priecÄjas cits dabÅ« pa kaklu, cits pats sÄk ko darÄ«t, cits no otra darbÄ«bas iekrÄ«t depresijÄ, cits palÄ«dz ... ir visÄdi pasaulÄ“.
Un tas, cik aktÄ«vi vai pasÄ«vi mÄ“s kustamies ar to sevi un to pasauli, ir atkarÄ«gs no visa. No manis no tevis, no mÅ«su satura un formas, citreiz no pÄrÄk astoņiem no rÄ«ta vai no pirktÄm un nesÄktÄm lasÄ«t, grÄmatÄm, no sagadÄ«šanÄs, no labÄm brokastÄ«m, no steigas, no internetrÄdio, no visÄdiem pÄ« er, no slinkuma, no pavasara, a citreiz no Ä«stÄs vietas Ä«stajÄ laikÄ, kas arÄ« kÄdreiz gadÄs.
Un pa vidu tam visam labi ir mÄcÄ“t atsvešinÄties no kÄdreiz radÄ«tÄ. NemaisÄ«ties tam pa kÄjÄm un otrÄdi. PÄraugt to tik personisko – to intÄ«mo radÄ«šanas procesu.
Bet labi ir arÄ« pie ... mazas kamaniņas un galvÄ mūžīgs pavasaris, jo tÄ nemaz ar nav, ka vienmÄ“r viss skaistais top tikai caur baigajÄm radošajÄm ciešanÄm un mokÄm. Un šajÄ sakarÄ LuÄ« Rembo teica, ka darbs un neatlaidÄ«ba ir tie drošÄkie no visiem veidiem, kÄdos varot sasniegt to laimi. Gan jau, ka tÄ arÄ« ir.
1981. gadÄ piedzimu. Tad tas, kas ar visiem - aug, mÄcÄs.
1998-2003. RDMV Ädas izstrÄdÄjumu dizainere
2003- ... LMA grafikas un glezniecības nodaļa
2004- ... BZC „Tehnoannas pagrabi”
At first, being young you are not satisfied with yourself.
Then with world. Then this lack of satisfaction with anything keeps growing while it is enough to want to come out.
One is happy about it, another one gets it in the neck, another starts doing something himself, another falls in depression by watching somebody else doing something, another one helps... there are many kinds in the world.
And the intensity of our active or passive movement around ourselves and the world depends on everything. Depends on me, on you, on our form and content, sometimes on eight in the morning, or on books which you have bought but have never started to read, on coincidences, on good breakfast, on rush, on internet radio, on any P Rs, on laziness, on spring, but sometimes it depends on the right place and the right time what also sometimes happens.
And in the middle of everything is good to know how to grow apart from the created. Not to be in its way and vice versa. To outgrow that private, that intimate process of creation.
But it is good being around... small sleigh and never ending spring in mind, because it is not always like all the beautiful things come through the major pains and woes. And, in this sense, Louis Rambo has said that work and persistence are the most safest of ways how to reach the happiness. I guess it could be so.
I was born in 1981. Then growing, learning – as everyone else.
1998 – 2003 Riga Secondary school of Design and Arts, leather ware designer
2003-... Art Academy of Latvia, Painting and Graphic Art Dept.
2004- ... BZC „Tehnoannas pagrabi”